• Qualifications for Patent Bar applcation?
    In order to register as a patent attorney, one must verify the he/she had received professional training in science and engineering or practical experience in the field. i.e. ①One who holds Bachelor of science degree ②Among those who hold a Bachelor's degree in other areas, ones who have completed certain science and engineering courses as credited toward a major ③Among practitioners in the field of engineering or science, those who pass the science engineering certificate exam, FE exam(Fundamental of Engineering Test)

  • Should someone with lawyer qualification pass the Patent Bar?
    Anyone who wants to do patent work must pass the Patent Bar. If a lawyer passes the Patent Bar, the lawyer becomes a patent attorney. If someone who is not a lawyer passes the Patent bar, he/she becomes a patent agent. 

  • Can foreigners apply for the Patent Bar?
    A legal resident foreigner without citizenship or green card(non-immigrant visa holder) can become a US patent agent. However, there are some restrictions on qualification for examinaton.

  • What kind of visa is required for Patent Bar application?
    Not all legal foreign residents can become a patent agent. A candidate's residency status, employment, or trainging sector must be in accordance with his/her pursuit of becoming a patent agent. For example, one who works at a patent law firm with work visa(H-1 visa), some among those who have trainee visa(H-3 visa) etc. are candidates. 

  • Detailed schdule of PBP program's 3 month Patent Bar preparation
    -08:30-9:30 "Overcoming Rejections with Affidavits"
        * Korean and English lecture through videos and teaching materials
    -09:50-11:00 "Overcoming Rejections with Affidavits" Repeated video listening
    -11:20-12:10 "Overcoming Rejections with Affidavits" Related problem solving
    -12:10-13:30 Lunch
    -13:30-14:00 Questions and answers with instructor(Paul Lee)
    -14:00-15:00 "Overcoming Rejections with Affidavits" Repeated video listening
    -15:20-16:30 Related problem solving
    -16:50-18:00 Practical English with Americans (optional)

  • Detailed schedule of PBP program's 2 month "hands-on probationary"
    -08:30-09:30 Writing amendments and opinions for examiner's rejection based on the 103 provision
    -09:00-12:00 Understanding related statement, analyzing the reason for rejection and proof
    -12:00-13:30 Lunch
    -13:30-16:00 Writing amendment and opinion
    -16:00-17:00 Discussion of opinion and amendment, rewiew and correction (Paul Lee)
    -17:00-18:00 Practical English with Americans(optional)

  • Detailed schedule of PBP level's intensive Patent Bar lecture?
    Attachment : Download

  • Detailed schedule of PBP level's seminars?

click here to download file

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